Rebranding of Cass - FAQ's - Cass Precision Machining Rebranding of Cass - FAQ's - Cass Precision Machining

Cass Precision Machining – Rebranding of Cass FAQ’s

As we cut over to our new name, we hope the completed FAQ’s below will address most of your concerns and questions regarding doing business with Cass. In the event you do not see the answer(s) you are looking for below, please feel free to address your question(s) to us via posting a message in the “Contact Us” page of our new website (, or you can directly contact our Business Development Manager, Dave Schuh at 763-535-0501 x223 or email Dave at [email protected].

Q: What does “rebranded” mean?
A: Here’s the textbook definition of the word “rebranding” –
Rebranding is a marketing strategy in which a new name, term, symbol, design, or combination thereof is created for an established brand with the intention of developing a new, differentiated identity in the minds of consumers, investors, and other stakeholders.

In our case, all aspects of the textbook definition apply to us here at Cass Precision Machining. We hope that moving away from the words “Screw Machine Products” and towards “Precision Machining” will allow us an opportunity to help you understand the broader range of machining and precision parts manufacturing services that we can provide to you. You can expect to see our new name and logo on all of our business forms, e-transactions, etc. along with our tagline which is – Consistent. Reliable. Trusted.

Q: Anything I need to change immediately from a legal or financial perspective?
A: In a word, “No”.
Perhaps the most important thing to note regarding our name change is that although we will be called Cass Precision Machining – we will continue to “do business as” (or dba) Cass Screw Machine Products LLC. This means that legally we will remain identified as Cass Screw Machine Products LLC. The result is that you do not have to change anything from an open contract, invoicing, or purchase order perspective.

From the forms perspective, we are changing all of our forms over to the new name, logo, letterhead, etc. as of October 2nd. We hope that as we continue to do business with you, you will change our name over in your systems as transactions naturally occur. On our side, we will accept all of your paperwork addressed to our old name, and process things under the new name while we work with you to update your systems. We don’t want to let our name change stand in the way of successfully doing business together as we have been over the years.

Q: Do I need to change all of my records/history over to the new name?
A: This is your call. That said, we recommend that you process global name changes within your systems wherever possible, which will make it easier for your team to find history and information on us in your systems by referencing only one name.

Q: Do I need to change website links/references on my side?
A: For the foreseeable future, our old website address ( will automatically roll you over to our new website ( Therefore, there is not an immediate need to change these links/references, but we do suggest you make the changes in a manner that is most convenient to you.

Q: Any changes I need to make to WIP items with Cass, open orders, open bills, or open accounts receivable or payable items, etc. that either of us are handling?
A: No. We will honor all open paperwork addressed to our old name and work with you as we process these transactions to help you update your records to our new name.

Q: Are my email addresses for Cass employees still going to work? If yes, for how long?
A: Yes, the old email addresses (e.g. [email protected]) will work indefinitely, but Cass is cutting over to new email addresses (e.g. [email protected]) effective October 2, 2017. We ask that you update your email address books to the new root when it is convenient for you. We will continue to monitor traffic to the old email addresses for the foreseeable future to confirm the migration to the new root addresses to be of service to those that may need assistance in making the change.

Q: Same address and phone numbers – right?
A: Yes. No changes to addresses and phone numbers.